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Thread: Bullshitting

  1. #11
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    You'd think so wouldn't you?

    The great thing about forums is that you can get a range of opinions about something. It isn't just one reviewer saying 'I give this five stars' like we had in the days of the magazines.

    What are you supposed to do if a friend comes up with a product you like? Personally I'll say I like it. And if I don't I'll say so and I'll say why, Actually this is easier to do if you know them because they'll understand it is nothing personal and take the criticism on board. If someone anonymous criticises it then you have no idea if it is due to some sort of agenda they might have. So it cuts both ways.

    It wouldn't be much of a forum if everyone was afraid to give a positive opinion lest they be accused of shilling, would it? Regrettably there are some sad little wankers out there who would like to create that sort of atmosphere and ruin forums and they do this by accusing everyone of shilling everything (except the products that they like and use of course).

    It's a bit like the primary school kids shouting insults at the older boys from behind the safety of their playground railings. All I can say is they better cross the road if they ever see me coming.

    Don't get sucked in by that agenda.
    "It wouldn't be much of a forum if everyone was afraid to give a positive opinion lest they be accused of shilling, would it? Regrettably there are some sad little wankers out there who would like to create that sort of atmosphere and ruin forums and they do this by accusing everyone of shilling everything (except the products that they like and use of course)"

    *Slow claps*

    Absolutely spot on, Martin.

    Full disclosure: I agree with this opinion and have not been paid or recieved any incentive to do so.

    <Is that how we avoid this shilling accusation bullshit. FFS.

    Johnny, Substantiate your claim with evidence!!!

  2. #12
    Join Date: Apr 2011

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    So, you're after the source of absolute truth on hifi from a hifi forum? Come on, let's be sensible, shall we? This is a forum full of people with opinions. These opinions are then passed on. Nobody is expecting divine truths, just opinions. It's just like life; full of opinions and information. You have to sort out for yourself how much, or little, you want to take from, or be influenced by, those opinions and information.

    Surely you can exercise your own filter when reading posts?

    This forum leans more towards the subjective side of hifi and, as a result, can often be more pleasant than other places that focus purely on technical and objective approaches. I don't post here that much, but I do find this place has a distinct 'flavour' of its own. Of course, there will be products that have become popular on here for a whole variety of reasons, those products may then have a higher degree of visibility here than elsewhere. So what? It seems quite natural to me.

    Of course, if you don't like it, then just don't bother to post or read here.
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  3. #13
    Join Date: Jul 2010

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    I don't think that Johnny nocash has actually accused any particular individual of "shilling", or whatever activity you wish to call it. I can understand some members' responses to this post, as I was accused personally of this on another forum some years ago. When this happened, I was flummoxed by the term, as I understood shilling to mean 12 pence. In fact, after this had occurred for the umpteenth time, I decided that I had had enough, wrote to the mods and left. I haven't been back since (apart from one post following the death of a good friend).

    I have enjoyed this hobby for 40 years and have gleaned help from many sources. As someone who started this journey working with Ken Kessler as the saturday boy in Canterbury Hi-Fi, I admit that my view on the world might be slightly blinkered. But since my teens, I have just been an ordinary paying punter, like the vast majority who enjoy music in their homes and pay hard earned cash for equipment.

    Since the false accusations a few years ago, I rarely post about the manufacturer, about whom I was accused of shilling. Small manufacturers like Firebottle and the like are a credit to British design and manufacturing. The cottage hi-fi industry has little money to pay for advertising and product placements and have to rely on personal recommendation and excellent product design to make a living. Some makers sell more expensive products, which doesn't mean that they are poor value. The value is in the eye of the beholder and listener.

    Social media and forums are easy places for keyboard warriors to fight unfair battles. A modicum of common sense and politeness would go an awful long way to make life happier for everyone.
    R2R: Studer A820 1/2 inch 2 track; Otari MTR-12 1/4 inch 2 track; Sony APR 5003; Sony APR 5002; Studer A807/II. Vinyl: Platine Verdier Allaerts MC1B/Schroeder Reference & Model 2 Decca C4E/Hadcock 228 TRON Seven Reference phono. Keith Monks MkII RCM Other analogue source: Nakamichi Dragon with ANT4066 mods. Amplification: TRON Meteor preamp TRON Voyager 20B SET power. Speakers: Avantgarde Duo. Digital: computing at last with Prism Sound Lyra 2 A2D converter

  4. #14
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    Just to be straight the OP did not mention shilling, he used rather less inflammatory words. Given the context it might be wise to avoid making him into a straw man.

    This not aimed at topoxforddoc's post.

    Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk

  5. #15
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by topoxforddoc View Post
    I don't think that Johnny nocash has actually accused any particular individual of "shilling", or whatever activity you wish to call it. I can understand some members' responses to this post, as I was accused personally of this on another forum some years ago. When this happened, I was flummoxed by the term, as I understood shilling to mean 12 pence. In fact, after this had occurred for the umpteenth time, I decided that I had had enough, wrote to the mods and left. I haven't been back since (apart from one post following the death of a good friend).

    I have enjoyed this hobby for 40 years and have gleaned help from many sources. As someone who started this journey working with Ken Kessler as the saturday boy in Canterbury Hi-Fi, I admit that my view on the world might be slightly blinkered. But since my teens, I have just been an ordinary paying punter, like the vast majority who enjoy music in their homes and pay hard earned cash for equipment.

    Since the false accusations a few years ago, I rarely post about the manufacturer, about whom I was accused of shilling. Small manufacturers like Firebottle and the like are a credit to British design and manufacturing. The cottage hi-fi industry has little money to pay for advertising and product placements and have to rely on personal recommendation and excellent product design to make a living. Some makers sell more expensive products, which doesn't mean that they are poor value. The value is in the eye of the beholder and listener.

    Social media and forums are easy places for keyboard warriors to fight unfair battles. A modicum of common sense and politeness would go an awful long way to make life happier for everyone.
    It's a deeply unpleasant accusation.

    The allegation is difficult to prove and even harder to disprove.

    The act of shilling requires deception and when this is now being levelled at us by one of our members, the reaction SHOULD be strong.

    You cannot have "shilling" with suspecting someone of doing it. So Johnny, where is the evidence.
    Last edited by Spectral Morn; 15-02-2019 at 09:55. Reason: Borderline reference removed

  6. #16
    Bigman80 Guest


    Sorry, but has that post been changed?

    I'm sure Shilling was mentioned, hence my strong reaction.

  7. #17
    Join Date: Mar 2018

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    Sorry, but that post has been changed. Shilling was mentioned, hence my strong reaction.
    No, the OP didn't mention shilling, I mentioned shilling in the context of shilling going on across hifi forums.

  8. #18
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrus View Post
    No, the OP didn't mention shilling, I mentioned shilling in the context of shilling going on across hifi forums.
    Ah, fair enough.

    Apologies Johnny.

    Still, why can't we promote gear we like, regardless of who makes it?

  9. #19
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Stop overrating your friends product.

    Was what Richard said in his o/p. Amounts to the same thing I think.

    I would agree with the sentiment except that I've seen many times people being what I would call 'over enthusiastic' about products they have heard or bought themselves even when they have zero connection to the person or company that made them. Fact: People are occasionally going to be over-enthusiastic if they like a product. I think that is something most of us can accept and live with.
    Current Lash Up:

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  10. #20
    Join Date: Mar 2008

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    It is however pretty clear that that is what the OP is referring to though IMO.

    Like Charlie, I’ve been accused of this in the past. As I recall, the first time I was apparently shilling Rega products- this despite the fact that Ive never owned anything made by Rega, which I did find quite amusing at the time.
    “Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio”

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