All I can comment on that particular set of results which are being used, the test was not valid!

"Wait, but you are bound to say that". you are a manufacturer of said devices.

Hold on for second, the test shows an INCREASE of +30dB on the noise floor , now NO one in the right minds would put in ANY piece of equipment that would cause a sound quality derogation of that magnitude

I'll expand, the signal to noise ration of a top notch CD player really is so close to 96dB, by the test results the resultant conclusion would indicate the SQ of the system it was plugged into would drop below cassette tape playback capability

Some how I feel no one would wish to 'achieve' that sort of a 'upgrade'

The test is also floored for one particularly large reason, it bears no real ability to demonstrate what is happening in an actual working system that is being used in a domestic environment.

Now please do realise I do not retail Entreq, however I have listened to this product in many systems and many levels, and NOT once have I been party to that kind of sound quality degradation what so ever.

This is not a end run around the question for measurements just an observation. I would also further suggest that a number of products which have the similar results also partake said request as well. Currently this is being pointed squarely at our products I realise that is because they has been a lot discussed about them, though this is purely from customer feedback and various visits from a respected forum qualified engineer and others.

You could also apply the same ideals to all cables etc. The cables that attached to the GB's are of a very low, capacitance from 12-22 pf per m, inductance and resistance. Does any of this bear a quantifiable and REPEATABLE up grade in SQ when applied to audio system, the debate is long and wide and several miles deep with both sides intransigent (the irresistible force meets the immovable object)

So lets have some suggestions as what you wished to measured?