OK, I'm not sure that such a thing even exists, but here we go anyway.

I really like my Quad 34 pre (with mm phono card), mainly because of the wonderful tone controls. The thing I don't get on with is the stepped attenuator volume control. I am very sensitive to volume and quite often adjust volume track to track, considering ambient conditions etc.

It wasn't a problem when my old power amp had a pot volume control, but my new one doesn't, and so I rely on the stepped attenuator of the Quad.

And don't you just know it, the ideal volume is always between two steps !!

So, my question to you learned gents is, do you know of any Quad like pre-amps, with mm phono, continuous volume control and decent tone controls in the £ 2 - 300 mark ?

Be interested to hear your thoughts / suggestions.
