Quote Originally Posted by Gazjam View Post
Just to set the cat amongst the pigeons a bit...

Noticed last night the mains lead from my power amp was pressed against the back wall a bit?
Moved the amp forward a bit and left a bit of clearance?

Better sense of space around vocals and better ‘flow’ in well recorded live music.
Go figure

Listening this morning and moving amp back to where it was can hear the difference.
Small tweak well worth doing.
Not in the slightest bit surprised mate, as I discovered that one years ago!

It's one of the reasons why I have my kit on multiple layers of Mana supports, because even if they weren't doing anything, in terms of their design (they do, but that's another matter), the very fact that my kit is so high up off the floor, means that I can both let all my cables (mains and signal) hang in free space, and keep them well away from walls.

The cumulative effect of that is always audible, and as you've discovered yourself, sonically beneficial. If you want to hear another similar upgrade, try and arrange your equipment on the rack so that the box carrying the most sonically influential interconnects is high up enough to allow them to hang in free space, as opposed to touching the floor or walls. And do that with as many bits of kit as you can.

*And*, if you fancy another tweak, and you use a mains block of some description, place some isolation cones/Sorbothane feet, or something of that ilk under it, in order to raise it up off of the floor (including the power cable attached) - or even better still, if you have a spare shelf on your rack, place your mains block on it, and get it up off the floor that way.

Trust me, as a result, your whole system will sound better [by de-oupling it from a source of vibration]!


P.S Nice chunky mains cable and IEC. Like it. What are they, out of interest?