My situation is as follows:

A few days ago my Ortofon 2m Black MM cart broke so I returned it to the seller.
Long story short... I am now facing the dilemma of either a) getting another Ortofon 2M Black MM cart, i.e. keeping the status quo, or b) upgrading to something better (and probably more expensive)
There has been some strong peer pressure to get the Benz Micro Glider SL (which is a new direction for me as I have never listened to a MC cart)

My questions are as follows:

1. Does moving from MM to MC cart justify the extra cost (in this case an extra £490 for the Benz Micro Glider), which is almost double the price of a Ortofon Black?
2. Can I even use the Micro Glider SL with my amp? Or do I need an SM, or an SH? I have a hybrid (valve and mosfet ) Unison Research Unico Nuovo integrated amplifier which has the capability of both MM and MC carts.
The manual says the following:
This phono board is able to interface with both MM and MC
Movable links on the board (two for right channel and two for left
channel) enable this adjustment to be carried out. The relative
positions are clearly marked MM and MC.
Two further movable links fitted to the phono board allow the level
of gain (amplification) to be changed by +/-10dB. In practice, MM
cartridges having an output lower than 4mV and MC cartridges
having an output lower that 0.5mV will probably require these links
to be set at the +10dB position.

I am not quite sure what the above means, so any simplified insight into it would be great.
3. I like the bass that the Ortofon 2M Black produces with my current set up. A lot of reviews of the Benz Micro Glider SL are saying that the bass is a bit lacking with this cart. Is this the case compared to the Ortofon 2M Black? Can a comparison be even made, or is it apples and oranges situation?

As you can probably guess from the above, I am a bit of a newbie in this field, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.