Hi all, Just acquired a mint 1210, with Jelco 750D arm, I put a Dl 110 on it I was using with my other TT (low usage). Started reading these forums, saw the dl 103 was a popular choice with 1210/750 combo, just wondering on the differences between the two, and also whether I should invest a new headshell, mine is standard that came with the Jelco, the arm also has the upgraded Ammonite collar. I was using another cart I had on the 1210, an Ortofon Rondo Red, but I bent the needle (cantilever? apologies I'm still new to analogue lingo), so that needs to be fixed, if possible, I hope so! Currently using all this through a Naim nac 72/140/teddycap, with 322 issue 1 mm phono boards (apparently serviced by Witchat recently), the DL 110 is of course high output mc, but over on the Naim forum they tell me its not a perfect match for the 322 cards, they claim its more of medium output mc cart.

Anyway just after differences between 110/103, and suitability for the 1210/750,and headshell advice, don't mind spending up to £100 on headshell. I see many price differences though, an Ortofon HL 9000 for instance is £160 in the UK, but as low as £100 (or may'be it was even less) from Japan, for new, free postage! I understand weight of headshell needs to be considered once I've settled on cart.

A few notes on the 1210, good at rhythms, so some jazz is sounding better, obviously techno/house/dance music is amazing and fun. Still needs more refinement for complex music, not sure I want to go through the upgrade path with it, as some say so and so upgrade makes a difference, and others are, well does it really? Especially when some of the upgrades (i.e. off boards psu cost as much as a decent used 1210!!). I think I'd like to improve the TT as much as I can without messing around with the insides, as I do enjoy its looks and functionality.