Heard this same amp in action at a recent bakeoff and was very impressed but thought no more of it until Dan put it up for sale because it was taking up valuable space in his flat.

Nobody seemed that interested in buying it, probably because it doesn't have the "right" badge on the front of it. I tried to get the cash together but no such luck in such a short space of time. Anyway, he offered it to me as there were no takers and allowed me to have a play with it. Massive shame because the badge becomes irrelevant when this amp becomes a permanent fixture in a system belonging to it's lucky new owner, so no need for resale in my opinion. Which begs the question why nobody else put their hand up to grab such a fabulous amp at such a ridiculously low price?

I can honestly say that for the purchase price it is an absolute STEAL in every sense of the word. Playing it right now in fact and it ranks up amongst the very best of them in terms of fidelity, resolution and dynamics. It never sounds forced or strained, it can do naturalness, delicacy, timbre and impact with ease. I had a Krell KSA 50 a few years ago and the Kavent leaves that way behind. I have the sheer pleasure of it's company until Sunday night, right up until I have to box it up ready for the courier collection on Monday.

The same day that Dan gave up hoping for a buyer and giving it to me to play with, a buyer was actually found, hence the courier collection.

It will be winging it's way to our very own Icehockeyboy no less. Lucky chap Craig, you got a total unequalled bargain.

