I have a seven year old Philips HD TV, nice unit with HDMI (both used) and USB inputs. It does not however do the wireless thing. I haven't been bothered by this but the America's Cup Challenger series has now begun and the massive, foiling catamarans are the most spectacular racing boats I've ever seen. Hooking the laptop up to the TV (getting the action by Youtube) is a pain since I can't get the TV and laptop to see each other by USB and using HDMI means pulling stuff out of the racks and manually switching cables.
Ideally, I'd like to just stream the action straight from the laptop avoiding cables completely, but if I do this will there be a loss of quality or jerky action? I've just streamed at 480p so far but would like the option of going to 720 or even 1080 if I find material that justifies it.
It's easy enough to add boxes that will add extra HDMI sockets to the TV, but from there I don't know where to go. The Lenovo laptop is only 2 years old, I'm pretty sure it does Blutooth but other wireless protocols, if any, that it suports are a mystery to me. Please guys, what do I need to add wireless capability to my TV (at reasonable cost preferred).
