Now that The Art of Sound has been running for well over a year, & I've been here for a good part of that time, I'm wondering about a few things. Perhaps the culprits can enlighten me?

Of course, I'd be interested to hear the thoughts of the 'non-culprits'

In hindsight is there anything you'd change about the way you did things?

Has it grown as you'd have hoped?

Do you have the members you'd hoped for - I don't mean numbers (hopefully you'll answer the above question in that respect). What I mean is, does the demographic (in the sense of people's interests/predilections/varied viewpoints etc) match what you'd hoped for? If not, what type of person would you like to see more of?

On the whole, its very UK-centric - Is this what you expected? Is this good or not? Do you expect or hope this to change?

Is there too much emphasis on certain topics?

Is there not enough emphasis (or not as much as you'd expected) on certain topics - if not, then what would you like to see more of?

The highest number of users at one time was 201 - a figure, that to my eyes, seems to be almost never even approached since. What do you attribute this to? What caused it?

Is the balance between pure hi-fi talk and other topics (especially music) about right?

...............finally, (and this is something I've never been able to quite work out) what turntable/arm/cartridge combination does Marco use?