
Like some of you, I bought one of the first released Beresford TC-7520 at the beginning of February.
I asked directly Stanley Beresford by mail about this DAC, and then bought it, it was not yet available on homehifi.co.uk
It came with the first version of the power supply, not the upgraded one, which is now shipped with the DAC.

I may upgrade my power supply.
But I don't know if the TC-7520 itself is now internally modified (to get a better match with the new external power supply for example).

Is anybody aware of, or noticed, differences inside the TC-7520, between those early versions, and the current ones ?

To be clear, if I buy the new TC-7520 power supply when it is available (apparently in May), will I have the same TC-7520 setup than the one which is currently shipped to new customers ?

Any advice for power supply with french 2 pin main lead (I don't think maplin ones apply) is also welcome, especially if it is easily available from France.

Thanks a lot.
