As the title says, what started you travelling the long & winding road to AV where you are now?

I think for myself it was when television broadcasts were encoded with NICAM (Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex) stereo sound & the very first HiFi video recorders appeared. All of a sudden we had the sound quality of a 13 bit digitally encoded signal (sniff not as the first CD players were 14 bit ) with a superb signal to noise ratio...

At that point i realised how good a recording could be on a HiFi video machine in the audio domain only & promptly use one for any recording, 90Db+ signal to noise on analogue equipment isn't to be sniffed at. Sub 20Hz to 20KHz+ isn't either..

Of course then the new SVHS recorders came along & all of a sudden instead of only 250 lines of video we were treated to 400 lines on a 576 line TV Getting there me thinks..

Then DVD came along & the rest is probably forgotten in the mists of time

So at what point did you jump on the AV bandwagon? I guess i was there from the very early days with a Sony SLC7 Betamax way back in the day I guess i can thank my father for this as he was manager of a TV & radio shop.. He liked his music & TV to, not surprising it rubbed off on me!