My financial advisor tells me his Audio Analogue 'Puccini' SE amplifier has started to distort on one channel only, when the volume control is advanced beyond a quiet listening level.

I have to confess I hadn't heard of Audio Analogue, but it turns out they are an Italian company that make amplifiers that receive very good reviews, yet represent very good value for money.

Doing a little research reveals the cause of the problem might be a dirty track of the volume control potentiometer. However these are sealed (they look to be Alps), so giving it a squirt of switch cleaner will be difficult, as would drilling a small hole in the Alps unit.

Also I understand the amplifier contains several fuses, some of which are in the signal path (as protection against speaker short circuits). These, over time, can suffer contact corrosion
and distort.

I should add the amplifier is well over 10 years old, so both distortion causes are possible.

Does anyone here use this amplifier, and can offer any advice concerning this problem?
