A very good friend of 35 years long standing, died suddenly last year. We had a similar love of music, of all genres: classical; blues; jazz; folk; pop and rock, and world. He was also interested in the hi-fi side of things.

To my surprise, I received notification that he had left me his entire CD music collection, his DVD collection and all the associated electronics.

It was collected yesterday: requiring the use of a large transit van, and involving a 500 mile round trip.
So now I am a possessor of a legacy of around 500 DVDs, and at least 2,500 CDs (10 large plastic crates full) and a Krell KAV-400xi amplifier and Moon 260D CD player. There is also an Arcam CD player and a Rega Mira amplifier.

I now have the Herculean task of going through the source material; at least half of which already resides in my own collection.