For the last twenty plus years we've been rebuilding 301's whilst going through multiple iterations of plinths for our personal listening - chasing 'that sound'. Playing with Materials Panzer / Graphite / Birch ply, beech ply etc / Cherry mixed mediums (polystyrene & concrete was fun...) Slate / resins etc... just trying to get to grips with what differing designs and materials really deliver. In short the pro's & cons. Measure / listen / reject. But nothing was lost - We've arrived somewhere! The 'Grosvenor' is constructed from a particular selected Bamboo. Internally the design is rather different, the concept being to break up the mass leading towards the arm (Mass whilst lowering the frequency will store the 'energy' which can and does affect the sound. The Bamboo is very efficient as releasing energy (Managing vibration) The veneer is Walnut, the hefty armboard is lacquered Bronze. Cosmetically the hardest part in terms of 'Look' is making something simple, ordered and beautiful allowing the 301 to be the star of the show, then moving from the symmetry to the outrigger tonearm board. In terms of sound it's probably best to let other people speak about it in the coming months but this one is a keeper.

A little play test (Please forgive the compressed & digitized short, this can really only serve as a pointer towards potential, ensure you select HD on playback)