I'm Neil Thegratefuldad
I'm from the US, New York State
I'm 69 years old.
Been into audio since approx 1968.
I've been more or less a mid-fi guy.
I have gone through several iterations of equipment over the decades.
Currently, my setup includes some old/ancient and kind of new pieces.
Aragon 4004 MK2 power amp, Aragon 24k sp pre, Aragon 47k phono pre,
Prima Luna Dialogue Premium HP power amp, Schiit Audio Bifrost 2 dac, Topping D90 dac,
SingXer SA1 HP amp, SOTM sms-200 Ultra Neo streamer, PI2AES, Orchard Audio PecanPi Dac.. VPI HW19JR turntable and a recently acquired Heybrook TT2 turntable. ancient VPI HW17 lp cleaning machine, Merlin TSM-MXE speakers, JTR Sub-woofer along with many many, headphones and IEMs (too many).
I hate to look into 'the closet' various 'vintage speakers'.
That's about it. Getting back into vinyl lately since getting the Heybrook TT2.
Attempting to see if 'SHane' is still around. I have a question about finding compatible suspension coil springs for Heybrook TT2 turntable. Will Linn or Thorens coil springs work?
Trying to get a bit more 'bounce' in the TT2 suspension. It bounces but wondering if new springs will increase it.