Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post
In post 379 there are errors of thinking.

"I do not think that being a diplomat is anyone job. As stated by Macca"
Incorrect. It was stated by me.

Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post
I think that we all should attempt diplomacy because humans differ in sensitivity, and as a humanist I feel that hurting others' feelings is best avoided, the one exception being if they are being deliberately nasty.
I am also a humanist. I also agree deliberately hurting peoples feelings should be avoided. However I do not attempt to deliberately hurt peoples feelings. You are creating a strawman argument.

Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post
I do not see sensitivity as in any way childish or infantile, but I do see deliberate indifference to others' feelings as just that.
You are entitled to your opinion. However I believe you are incorrect. With your comment about giving praise.
Praise should be earned. Not just given as a consolation prize for not coming first. I am not indifferent to peoples feelings. Your assertion about being indifferent to others feelings is just way off the mark. May I ask you where you got "childish or infantile" from. As it was not from me.

This is just getting bloody well out of hand. I cannot believe what I am being forced to respond to. Please, just get back on subject.