Quote Originally Posted by Roy S View Post
Jeez louise!
Indeed - we're going round and round in circles! Post 235, I thought explained everything, but obviously not.

Clearly you haven't 'surrendered', as you're still going on... The only reason I stated what you've just quoted was to outline, largely for your benefit, why I like living where I am, but it seems to have gone in one ear and out the other

I get it, I get it! Where you live is perfect for you.
No it's not perfect, nowhere is, but I'm very happy where I am (for reasons stated).

But you still haven't explained why you hate 'that London' so much?
I don't "hate London", as I've explained UMPTEEN times mate, I hate anywhere that's busy and overcrowded, and IMO, represents what's wrong with today's society, and the soulless materialistic outlook and tech-obsessed priorities of the masses. Yes, London has that, but so does any other major city today in the UK, so it's NOT just about London....

I would've thought when I mentioned that the ideal place I'd like to live was the Isle of Skye, you'd have got *exactly* where I was coming from. I love beautiful, natural scenery (remote places) and to be WELL away from the rat race and crowded, polluted cities, as I find it stressful and prefer a much more serene and slow-paced way of life.

I'm intrinsically a countryside and/or seaside, out in the sticks kind of guy, NOT a townie!! In that respect, I wouldn't have *chosen* to live in Wrexham either, but as stated, it ticks a number of (to me) important boxes.

Geddit now? Or do I have to repeat myself some more before it sinks in?

And I'm not talking about central & inner London, I'm referring to the many leafy & attractive suburbs that exist within the M25 that apparently have all the redeeming features of Wrexham you describe whilst a) not being in Wales & b) being within spitting distance of the third most visited city in the world.
Leafy and attractive suburbs still isn't the Isle of Skye (my idyl) though, is it?

And as nice as said leafy and attractive suburbs might be, there's still much more traffic there [the M25 and surrounding areas is a freaking nightmare in that respect], difficulty in parking anywhere, as I'm a car guy, and general overcrowding (because as you say, you're near London), 'rush hours', 'school runs', etc, than what I'm used to, plus the cost of living is much MORE expensive, so you get much LESS for your money than you do where I am, for (to me) no worthwhile gains.

Anyway, hopefully now you're "got it", so I'd suggest that we drop the subject, Roy, and move on, hokey dokes?

Off to bed now...
