I live in Roseville Ca. in the U.S. and in the heart of old Roseville we moved from a 4 way stop with left and right turn lanes with stop signs to a round about.
Never having used one for the longest time my butt would clinch as I approached it. I had not used one before and it just made me feel like a fish out of water.
I was used to the madness of people running the stop signs at times or going out of turn ect..
I have been going through this now for awhile taking Conner to play or practice Baseball and just the other day I was going around and thought " hay, I do this with out even thinking about it now ".
I know there are some in France but it made me think, No one is racing lights or rolling stop signs,no broken glass from accidents, You have to yield but not necessarily stop so it is faster ,keeps traffic moving.
And you have to slow down to use itso if you do make a mistake you have time to avoid an accident. Why are they so rare here ,when they seem to work so well?

Has anyone come to a U.S.city and had to drive and thought why so many 4 ways and felt uncomfortable with our right of way laws? and thought madness?
I'm just curious how other countries view driving here. aside from the fact so many of you drive on the wrong side of the road