Hi everyone,

thought I'd post some questions here rather than just bombarding a select (lucky haha) few members with my amateurish musings!

Anyway, I need an SS preamp. I'm planning a future build using a Neurochrome buffer board but this isn't available until next month and will likely take a while to assemble the rest of the bits that are worthy of a "proper" build.

In the mean time I've been looking into what is available for a reasonable outlay, lets say under £200 (although flexible). I'm leaning more towards the chi-fi end of the spectrum as you do get a lot of parts for your money it seems. Of course I'm not expecting the last (or even the second or third last!) word in quality here.

I quite like the little glorified volume controls like this:


Also this Naim copy looks pretty good.


Remote would be nice but not absolutely vital.
Also ability to upgrade components like volume pots/transformers etc would be good.

I'm well open to any suggestions, thanks in advance guys!

