Well, boys and girls, the time has come for me to move on to my next project. Unfortunately that means that something has to go to fund it.

This time it's the Krell.

I bought it about 11 months ago and I've used it mostly to destroy any amplifier I've compared it to. When it isn't slaying it's victims, it's been providing me with hour upon hour of magestic sound.

Listening has been an absolute pleasure and it's very hard to imagine that my next project is going to provide anything above what this amp does, but I want to see for myself.

This amplifier is an absolute legend, make no mistake about this. Prices are rising and the cheapest one out there, which isn't as nice as this one, is £2k. I full expect that in 12 months time, you will have seen your investment rise sharply and I doubt anyone who buys this would ever end up put of pocket.

Checked and inspected by Firebottle in September 2018, its in perfect working order and on top of that, I replaced the old ERA caps with TOTL Audio Note Kaisai caps.

Physical/cosmetic condition is about 9/10, 8/10 at worst.

Internals are VERY tidy and have been left unmolested. Its all original except for the ERA caps which needed to be replaced. ERA caps are available if you want to return it back to its original spec.

You don't need to look far on the Internet to find out how good these monsters are. They will drive Any speaker with 100w of pure Class A magic.

Delivery is just not possible as it weighs as much as a fully grown Shetland pony (lol)

Collection and demo is a must.

Two people have first and second dibs on this. I will let you know if they decline their option ASAP.

Price: £1850 to forum members.

This will be on gumtree/ebay/hififorsale from Saturday for £2000
