Quote Originally Posted by Pigmy Pony View Post
I agree, all of Roxy's output has merit, they only fall down a bit when compared to the early stuff. And over the years their sound became more refined and "radio friendly" and I don't mean that in a bad way.

1972 was the year I got started buying records. And that summer gave us "Silver Machine", "School's Out", "All The Young Dudes" and of Course "Virginia Plain". A good year I think. After buying "Virginia Plain", then "Pyjamarama" I skipped buying the first album and went to "For Your Pleasure", and that was it. The album that defined them for me.
Sorry I have to disagree with ""For Your Pleasure", and that was it. The album that defined them", maybe for yourself, but certainly not for meow others I suspect. Yes "For Your Pleasure" is a stunning album in its own right and probably one of their best outings in some musical respects. However Stranded, Country Life, Manifesto and Flesh + Blood are all extremely good albums and there are many shining tracks on all of them that lots of people associate as being Roxy so I would say that these are probably the more defining albums for most.

