It’s serial behaviour and chasing the high of novelty. People do this with all sorts of things in life. It’s nothing to do with Hifi, per se. Just look on every forum, whether it be cameras, motorbikes, fishing gear, watches, DIY PCs etc etc. The same thing goes on. If you find yourself doing this sort of behaviour, don’t fall under the illusion that there is a ‘perfect combination’ of gear that will stop the desire to change. It’s not about the gear’s performance as such, it’s a psychological need. No kit can maintain the thrill of newness no matter what it is, hence the slow build up to repeat the search and acquisition behaviour.

Personally, I’ve reached a point where I’ll lose too much money if I sell most of my kit and won’t be able to replace it. So I have to try to be sensible. Mind you, I did just sell a luxury watch to fund a Garrard 301 romance. And of course now there’re carts, SUTs etc to think about