The Album Club choice for October 2018 comes courtesy of Loz (Hackney RF) with Stars of the Lid - 'And Their Refinement of the Decline'. As always please listen to the album in its entirety before you comment and/or vote.

Stars of the Lid – ‘And Their Refinement Of The Decline’

One from the heart for this month’s album club. I was tempted to select a crowd pleaser, something more accessible but I thought well this has been possibly my favourite record of the last 10 years so why not share it. Some of you just might like it too. I realise it might be a challenge being a double album and where things move at a glacial pace, but dim the lights, pour yourself a drink or two, hang on in there and let the music take you on a trip for a wee while.

The duo that are Stars of the Lid are Brian McBride and Adam Wiltzie. Originally formed in Texas in 1993 they now live in Los Angeles and Brussels respectively. This was their last album released in 2007 (they tend to have long periods between albums) however they continue to play shows fairly regularly and although they are a bit of a cult band they can still manage to sell out The Barbican Hall when they come to town.

I think the stereotypical image of so-called ambient music is of it being unobtrusive and something that can be played whilst doing something else. That’s often not the case in my opinion but even more so with Stars of the Lid. It will probably not give immediate gratification so requires a little time and attention for its subtlety and the slow shifts to reveal themselves. I don’t believe it to be an ambient record solely either. Think Terry Riley meets Walter Carlos by way of Claude Debussy.

My favourites are ‘Don’t Bother Their Here’ which pinches the melody from ‘Send in the Clowns’, ‘Another Ballard For Heavy Lids’, the epic ‘The Daughters of Quiet Minds’ and ‘Tippy’s Demise. Anyway I hope you like it.
Last thing. Turn it up. It works best that way I believe and will probably sound incredible on the amazing systems you folks have.