Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
Nope, it was scoffed at or at the very least dismissed.

And no, are you telling me you couldn't hear the improvement between a Sony ES amplifier and your Firebottle stuff? Neither are crap, but the improvements are noticeable. Same as with a cable. That's the point I was making. The changes are comparable with changing a component.

For a cable to make a difference of that level, the system need to be capable of displaying it. Macca's is.

Also the same comment made by Macca without any prompting. From a cable sceptic too!!!!!

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No, I could not tell you I could hear an improvement between a Sony ES amp and the Firebottle stuff. I have never heard a Sony ES stereo amp. Apart from that mere technicality, I have heard small differences when changing equipment, as well as bigger changes. It depends on the synergy in the system. When cables get to a certain level, the changes are pretty minor. If your cable is the one I think it is (and there is not much choice for one that fits in a KLEI harmony) then I have already tried it. It is a good cable, butI prefer a different cable, and also different plugs.

Part of my original change to the Air was that performance to my other amps was very close. Selling my other amps allowed me to upgrade other parts of my system. I don’t regret my choices one bit, but would be surprised if a cable made a bigger difference. People that have heard my system have said it sounds good and is nicely balanced. Your opinion could be completely different and that would not bother me one bit. After all, I built my system based on my tastes and space constraints.

The comment about having a system capable of revealing a change in cable at a certain level makes me giggle. It is almost implying that my system is not capable, although I know you probably don’t mean this intentionally. I would be interested to know what cable you replaced with your cable. As Macca is a cable sceptic it probably wasn’t particularly good?

You must be doing something right with your cable though, as the majority of the feedback seems positive, but as with everything there are a few exceptions.