I’d look for an Oppo 105D or 103D. Mine are both still doing sterling work up to and including BluRay, although I don’t think they do the very latest resolutions. Even the Oppo 90s models are worth a look. And they do SACD if that’s yer bag.
Separates Systems:
(1) Antipodes CX and EX, Matrix Audio X-Saber DSD, Meridian DSP7000 active speakers;
(2) Lumin D2, Cary CD-308 cdp, Quad 99 power amp, Horns 5degreeN*27 speakers;
(3) Homebrew PC with Onkyo Wavio SE200 soundcard running Daphile, Quad 44 and 405.2 into Dali Zensor 1s;
(4) Sooloos C15 plus storage, Braun A2, P1, CD3, C1 and T1 into Sonus Faber Concertos.
Integrated Home System:
Sony PS-X600, Naimnet NNT01 DAB Tuner; NS02 Server; NNP01/NNP02 room amplifiers; Netstreams switches, keypads, KEF Ci130QS/Soundlight speakers.