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Thread: Record shops in the UK are pants

  1. #71
    Join Date: Apr 2015

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    I’ve seen going into HMV buy the records, they just look at them like they’re in a museum

    Great line, Pete.

    I don't even bother going in when I see an HMV store as I feel like I've been round those particular exhibits too many times ...
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  2. #72
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    I think the last time I bought a CD in HMV was 2001 - I was wandering round, and something was playing on the store sound system which caught my ear. I went up to the counter, and spoke to one of the lads and asked him what was playing. He handed me the case of "The Bees - Sunshine Hit Me" which I perused, then duly asked for a copy and paid, no doubt with another handful of CD's as 2001 was my CD buying zenith.

    I got home, put the CD on, and it was nothing like what was playing in the shop! Now I actually did like the album (and have subsequently bought their following releases) but it most definitely wasn't what I was expecting - and I will never know what was actually playing on that fateful Saturday afternoon!

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  3. #73
    Join Date: Nov 2020

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    Sunshine Hit Me was released March 2002 Alex, same day as Original Pirate Material by The Steets.
    Any chance it was that ?
    Would've made quite an impact on a lot of music lovers on first listen.
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  4. #74
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    Well that's my bad memory! I thought it was 2001!

    I do have The Streets - Original Pirate Material, so no, that wasn't it, though I may well have bought them on the same day? But as you rightly say, a big impact at the time. I bought the follow up, A Grand Don't Come for Free - but none since - maybe I should investigate!

    Thanks for helping though, David.

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  5. #75
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex_UK View Post
    Well that's my bad memory! I thought it was 2001!
    After 2000 it just all blurs into one.

    Never got into The Streets but British rapping in general just doesn't work for me.
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  6. #76
    Join Date: Jan 2009

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    So what was the record you heard in HMV? I'm intrigued.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    So what was the record you heard in HMV? I'm intrigued.
    No idea, Barry, and never will - but it certainly wasn't the one they said it was!

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  8. #78
    Join Date: Nov 2020

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    Never got into The Streets but British rapping in general just doesn't work for me.
    I had the good fortune to stumble across them at Glastonbury a few years back.
    A rare beautiful evening, warm at dusk and they we playing pretty much a makeshift stage in a random spot, about three foot off the ground.
    There were mic probs for a while but they just carried through it to about 200 folk.
    A really mellow vibe, one of my favourite ever gigs entirely by accident.
    Mark Levinson 390S CD / Audiolab 6000 CD transport / Croft 25RS Plus Preamp / Croft 7R mono Amps / Neat Ultimatum XLS Speakers

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