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Thread: NEBO 15 scheduled for 1st February 2025.

  1. #71
    Join Date: Aug 2012

    Location: North East

    Posts: 3,770
    I'm Steve.


    What can i say? It's taken nearly a week since NEBO 15 for me to come down from it. Phew! What a great day. Wonderful music, great kit and the most wonderful folks on the planet in attendance. Before i say thank you to all of the folks who travelled many miles to make NEBO happen again, i have to thatnk Ian Humberston who as a landlord and friend saw a bigger picture than most providers that i have sold the idea of NEBO to in the past. Ian as a musician could see my MO and went with it. Thus far Ian has accomodated four NEBO meetings and went above and beyond all that went before. Sir, my cap is doffed!
    And what a day eh? Ken Wynne yet again going the extra mile with his extaordinary kit. The Cantor speakers are to die for. The Nuerochrome power amps are also phenomenal pieces of kit.
    It's always great to see Ali Tait, the remaining member of the Scottish mafia who used to attend Nebo in years gone by. Seeing Ali is like welcoming a brother and he always brings the most fantastic music with him too. On this occasion Tash Sultana hit me between the eyes.
    Gary D helped me out with his amplification and also provided some fabulous music. Thanks too to Nick Gorham who provided his music first pre-amp and letting us listen to and his show stopping reference phono stage. It really is something special. I am gobsmacked that closer to seventeen years on we are still having the most wonderful time at NEBO. It makes me so proud to have provided a platform and physical event for so many people to be a part of. Thank you all so much. You make me feel humble. Thank you to all those who brought equipment i haven't mentioned though i suspect will be mentioned elsewhere in this thread. IE GordonHalftree's wonderful LXmini speakers driven by his Ausiolab power amps. Also the Filo DAC that and gentleman and his lovely wife brought along. Mik Rik's fantastic valve power amp made it's usual splendid account of itself driving my Alchris Audio speakers. Paul Garrish's superb Tannoy Cheviot speakers also struck a chord with me too. So much happened up and above the amount of alcohol i consumed that i simply have difficulty recalling. Shame on me! All great stuff. Well done guys. Are we doing it again?
    Last edited by Floyddroid; 07-02-2025 at 20:48.

  2. #72
    Join Date: Mar 2008

    Location: Galashiels

    Posts: 13,784
    I'm inthescottishmafia.


    “Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio”

    Hunter S Thompson

  3. #73
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: north

    Posts: 472
    I'm mick.


    Hi Steve
    You bet!.
    Thoroughly enjoyed '15 (as always).They can't come round quick enough.Good to see some young'ns, very keen and very knowledgable, they stayed til the close and ended up like NEBO veterans - good to see.
    Catch everyone next time

    nearly forgot - good to see Neil B again ,one of the NEBO originals.
    A work in progress !

  4. #74
    Join Date: Aug 2012

    Location: North East

    Posts: 3,770
    I'm Steve.


    Whan do we want NEBO 16?

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