Welly welly well then, I took the advice of Barry & Macca, sounds like a 70s duo. I put .5M phono cables on the 1210, and connect up to either suggie or Slee, and it emitted a slight hum, so I took it off straight away, why wuz dat I wunder? ? ? So reconnected the standard phonos - 1M and it all sounds find, better than before in fact, I think, why? I put the amp on the far end of the table, with the cd in teh middle , whereas before it was in the middle, does that make a difference? Probably not, but for some reason it's all sounding dandy now, or may be its me?
Current system 1210 GR. CDP - Meridian G08. Amp -Sugden A21I - Sig. Wharfedale Lintons.