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Thread: Croft servicing and repairs

  1. #1
    Join Date: Nov 2020

    Location: Leics

    Posts: 227
    I'm David.

    Default Croft servicing and repairs

    Thought I'd start a new thread as it may be of interest to Croft owners following Glenn's too soon departure.
    My Pre-amp developed a fault quite some time back (late 2021) and I've been stressing ever since about who to trust it to for repair. I made contact with Glenn's compadre Tony recently and he's been a fount of knowledge. I've noted elsewhere on this forum that Tony's very committed to ensuring the Croft reputation is upheld going forward so is invested in suitable alternatives for us owners.
    He made enquiries with Deco Audio in Aylesbury who I believe were dealers for Croft and with Glenn's blessing have previously offered a remote control volume modification amongst other things.
    Tony put me in touch with Peter and James there and today, after 18 months, I'm sat back in Hifi Heaven with the 25RS pumping out some serious tunes and wattage.
    James did an outstanding job. Fast, efficient and comprehensive with updates on progress and costs (which turned out to be a £13 capacitor !).
    I'm grateful, relieved and most importantly ECSTATIC to have the hifi pumping again. As an aside, Tony recommended having the capacitor's twin on the other channel replaced too, which made sense.
    Currently giving it a proper workout with Spiritualized's Ladies And Gentlemen......, a psychadelic, gospel dripping rock n roll trip guaranteed to stretch anybody's kit. It's genuinely never sounded better.
    So I guess the purpose of this thread is to thank Tony for his safeguarding of a bone fide institution of British Hifi and to thoroughly recommend Deco Audio to Croft owners for any servicing and repair requirements.
    I'll leave it there, got music to play............
    Mark Levinson 390S CD / Audiolab 6000 CD transport / Croft 25RS Plus Preamp / Croft 7R mono Amps / Neat Ultimatum XLS Speakers

  2. #2
    Join Date: Jan 2013

    Location: Birmingham

    Posts: 6,949
    I'm James.


    Thanks for the info Dave as I would like to keep my Croft amps going for at least another 20 years or so. I have been concerned about possible repairs and servicing etc so it is good to know Deco audio are able to do the work. I have had to have parts replaced over the years as some components have failed due to quality issues with some parts. Of course over a long period any component can drift out of spec or become faulty such as capacitors. Easy enough to change valves yourself but anything else would be an issue.

    I will keep them in mind for the future.
    Main system : VPI Scout 1.1 / JMW 9T / 2M Black / Croft 25R+ / Croft 7 / Heco Celan GT 702

    Second System : Goldring Lenco GL75 / AT95EX / Pioneer SX590 / Spendor SP2

  3. #3
    Join Date: Nov 2020

    Location: Leics

    Posts: 227
    I'm David.


    My pleasure Jimbo, I'd hate for prospective buyers to miss out on The Joy Of Croft because they were worried about the upkeep.
    I've had Croft for over 15 years now and had exactly two failures across three boxes in that time. Both of these were single components that took very little time, trouble and cash to resolve. James talked me through why they are so easy to work on which gave me the confidence to just sit back and enjoy the music.
    Mark Levinson 390S CD / Audiolab 6000 CD transport / Croft 25RS Plus Preamp / Croft 7R mono Amps / Neat Ultimatum XLS Speakers

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