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Thread: Auralic issue

  1. #1
    Join Date: Dec 2012

    Location: Stoke on trent

    Posts: 982
    I'm Steve.

    Default Auralic issue

    My Auralic Aries bridge has been ticking along nicely for a couple of months with no issues. Then we had a power cut earlier in the week, and now it keeps disconnecting, not recognising it as a device. I've reset it up a few times following the set of up wizard but it's becoming annoying.
    Could it be that my ipad mini is old or is something relating to the power cut?

  2. #2
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Gloucestershire

    Posts: 992
    I'm Ian.


    Hi Steve,
    Have you tried the auralic community? https://community.auralic.com/
    I had the odd problem a while back which the members there sorted.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Dec 2012

    Location: Stoke on trent

    Posts: 982
    I'm Steve.


    Thanks Ian, I've registered.

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