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Thread: Tube phono stage recommendation

  1. #1
    Join Date: Sep 2010

    Location: London

    Posts: 423
    I'm Colin.

    Default Tube phono stage recommendation

    Just recently got hold of some decent MC step ups (The Bent Audio TX103s) and
    want to get a decent tube phono stage.
    In the past I’ve had some before:

    EAR 834P. Grain free but maybe a bit too relaxed and overly dark/full sounding.

    Audio Innovations P2 - that was nice. Grippy sound like solid state but no grain. Totally not “valvey”at all. Very different tone to the 834P.

    Art Audio Vinyl one. A bit like the P2. Not a valvey sound. I preferred the p2 though as I thought it was a bit more detailed and “live” sounding.

    Does anyone have any other recommendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date: Feb 2016

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    A price range will be helpful to help you obtain better advice

  3. #3
    Join Date: Sep 2010

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    Quote Originally Posted by mayebaza View Post
    A price range will be helpful to help you obtain better advice
    Probably looking up to around £1K or so. Secondhand.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2014

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    I have a Nuvistor NV-06 Phono Stage (a slightly different take on tubes) from Audio Detail, very happy with it and Mark is a great guy. He is also UK Ming Da seller/modifier.


    Audiophile Tosher

  5. #5
    Join Date: Oct 2012

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    Bigbottle BB3, sorted.
    I love Hendrix for so many reasons. He was so much more than just a blues guitarist - he played damn well any kind of guitar he wanted. In fact I'm not sure if he even played the guitar - he played music. - Stevie Ray Vaughan

  6. #6
    Join Date: Sep 2010

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    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m not familiar with those two. I’ll have a read up about them.

  7. #7
    Join Date: Aug 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebottle View Post
    Bigbottle BB3, sorted.
    And sounded bloody lovely at NEBO.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Oct 2012

    Location: The Black Country

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    Quote Originally Posted by Floyddroid View Post
    And sounded bloody lovely at NEBO.
    Just to be accurate the phono stage at NEBO was the BB3 big brother, the Bigbottle Ultime.
    I love Hendrix for so many reasons. He was so much more than just a blues guitarist - he played damn well any kind of guitar he wanted. In fact I'm not sure if he even played the guitar - he played music. - Stevie Ray Vaughan

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