
I am looking for a phonostage upgrade from Lehmann Blackcube. Have tried couple of tube phonostages,*like the EAR 834 (colored sound and not too resolving), Audio Note (again too colored for my taste),*Allnic H1500 (very good but ultimately hifi sounding). Among solid states I liked the Naim Prefix when I had them in the past. I have heard the Avid Pulsare in showrooms and liked what I heard. I am considering*Graham phonostages because of their overall reputation.

I need something that is musically honest, neutral and dynamic. Many/most hifi equipments falter on this aspect.*

Has anyone compared the Avid Pulsus and Graham Slee Accession ? The only other phonostage I am considering at the moment is a Croft RIAA R/RS

One thing I have noticed while reading about Avid phonostages on the internet. While no one says the Pulsare is bad, almost everyone has over the top appreciation for Pulsus. Gets me thinking if the Pulsus is actually the more musical device than the Pulsare ?