I don't know what to make of this album. Her voice sounds uncannily like Karen Carpenter, and her singing style at times reminds me of Lesley Duncan. The lyrics are intelligent - when you can hear them.

But the album is hopelessly over-produced with an overwhelming synthesised 'orchestral' wash. After the seventh track, I had heard enough and was about to give up - but we are encouraged to listen to all albums in their entirety, so I persevered and actually enjoyed the remaining tracks. These later tracks are much simpler and all the better for it, being free of the dominant and distracting Spectoresque 'wall of sound'.

I was about to give it a very low score, but decided to listen to it again at a later date (something I have never done before with any Album Club choice). I have just do so, and I'm afraid I haven't really changed my opinion. Sorry, the album's not for me. 6/10