Ok, so it's down to integration and ease of access/use of your combined services/storage, that makes sense.

My initial needs are basic, I'm sure that will change along the way, as I get into it, so I'll keep LMS in mind.
I don't even run my set up headless at present. I have a large screen TV straight in front of me, so that's plugged into the Pi/MoOde. I control it with a wired mouse and have an air mouse on order. It's basic, but it works, I don't own a tablet and wasn't about to buy one, just to select music tracks. I think I must be part Scott.

One thing, does this slightly more complex set up and number of boxes, tie your system down to your home network location - how easy would it be for you to use your file based music at say a NEBO meet? It's something I have at the back of my mind when considering my set up.