Quote Originally Posted by brian2957 View Post
My word , that's a gorgeous system Karl . Made even more special because you played a very big part in building it . It must give you great pride and pleasure in equal measure

How does the Neurochrome compare to the Croft monoblocks Karl ?
Thanks Brian ,

Yeah it really does give a great sense of achievement.

I didn’t want it to lull me into a false sense of sounding better than it actually does because I made it and was attached to it in a different way than usual, but the simple matter is that it is a better amplifier than the 7Rs .

It is a narrower soundstage but apart from that there is more detail, dynamics , transparency and that warm valve haze that was around the Croft sound has gone which lets more info through. It has plenty of air and space but precision aswell . Don’t get me wrong the Croft are amazing too but this is definitely slightly better .

I need to upgrade my preamp now though as the 25R is holding back the 686 potential a little bit . I should have been running a 25RS or RSLS with the monos but the price of the upgrade (1500) put me off a little bit .

I’ve got another preamp ordered though so shouldn’t be long before I really hear what it’s capable of .

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