Or rather my Eatons found its father.

Father, by the name of Berkeleys, found a few days ago. Now settling in well to its new home. It is so pleased that it is singing like an angel demonstrating its ability to add scale, texture, weight and sheer unadulterated joy to well known music. No issue with its wide 15 inch HBDs over powering a medium size room with bass. It's baby, the Eatons, are similar in ability to convey detail, range and joy, but the Berkeleys add immense presence and immediacy. In a word - stunning.

The Berkeleys resided in the same room for nearly 30 years and collected a fair amount of dust and woodwork needs a small bit of TLC but the drivers look and sound mint. Grills seem to have been left on all the time.

Now on temp stands so drivers are at ear height. Need to sort out some plinths.

Father and son showing off.