I was sitting contemplating, with some Deacon Blue playing, about this, that and the other ... when it came to me that the piece of Hi-Fi equipment that has been with me the longest, given me the most pleasure, and been the most reliable. Was this:

My rocking chair / listening chair.

It was my grandfather's before me, my mother re-upholstered it, and I will never get rid of it. I had it when I was a student (late 80s / early 90s) and first started building a Hi-Fi. And I've listened from it to each iteration of the system since. There was a short period when it has moved aside - to make room for a settee - but in the end I returned to my old favourite.

So - what does your listening chair look like? How long have you had it? Is there a more important piece of furniture in your house?

And should Hi-Fi stores stock listening chairs?