Took my daughter back to Uni today so she could complete some essays for submission in the morning.

Got an urgent FT request this evening - turns out her MacBook Pro (2012) had suddenly started to expand around the touchpad area and the body was buckling.
Fortunately she shares a ground floor flat with a small back garden so I told her to take it out there immediately and dump it in the middle of it well away from fences and building.

After this I did some rapid Googling and found out these things can fucking explode ... WTF !!!

Appears Apple's advice on this has been somewhat laconic (to say the least) and this was simply a 'design feature' and that they recommend replacing the battery EVERY FUCKING YEAR at a cost of about £150 !!!

WTF !! (again)

Since when has a potentially life threatening flaw been a 'design feature' FFS and why didn't they tell us this not insignificant fact when we bought the overpriced fucking thing from the Apple store !!

Sorry - rant over .... but WTF !!!