Eitr, as I have used the term generic, is a term used for a device that receives a USB Data and cleans up the noise, before it enters the DAC.
Schitt make a device called a Eitr , that is solely used to clean up the USB Data Noise. There are other comparative devices, from other brands.
In my most basic entry set up, I will use a Hard Connector USB Input, to bypass any cable issues, and a Digital Coax Output.
There are devices that can be used to help support the operation of the Eitr/Device, some put additional USB clean up devices into spare USB Ports, and some put this type of device before the Eitr. For example a iFi Micro USB3.0 or Jitterbug USB Upgrade.
I am just attempting to create a replay set up, that will evolve, so some of these methods will be on hold.
I will ask questions as to how to prepare a OS as I get on the journey, as it looks like at present the AudioLinux Software will be the one that I lean towards.
It has taken a while to get to this position of having a simple understanding of devices to use.
The devices to be used are yet to be selected, but a shortlist is coming together.