Quote Originally Posted by DrMartin View Post
I can't see "Victory" on any of mine: I don't know what the lable is? they all say "Gas" on the side of the case and "Essential" and "Castle" on the actual discs????

The main deficit on mine is an almost complete lack of dynamics - far too compressed + the usual 'brightness'. I can't actually remember when I bought these but I think was over ten years ago.
BSS had the use of some wierd metallic sounding mics and the band made a point of mentioning this at the time. The Barry Diament CD mastering of this album early on took all the treble away and it sounded horrid to me. The "Victory Records" remastering was in the mid nineties and the metallic sheen was restored as it was supposed to be there. I personally don't find it compressed, but it is one of those discs that improves as the playback system does I found.

My copy of Trilogy is the original Atlantic CD (again, mastered by Barry Diament) and it sounds superb here and rather clearer than my old Island LP.