Thing is, Jeff, with the set up I have, there is a certain thing about the sound, perhaps best described as a 'glare' in the upper midrange, which can be quite irritating for me as I love female vocals. Only really a thing at higher volumes, and at low to moderate levels it is fine. I started a thread about this some time ago, indeed it was my first ever post.

I initially thought the problem may have been with the Audion, and quite a few others on here thought so too, suggesting that I may be overdriving the amp.However after trying alternative amps, namely an Amptastic Mini-T (kindly loaned by a fellow member) and more recently the Bow Wazoo integrated, have led me to conclude that the issue is actually with the speakers. Shame really, as they do so many things right for me.

Anyway, Anita likes the unique quirky looks of the Audion, and as it now sounds better than ever to me, my mind was made up. It is a keeper