Ok, I've just spoken with my installer, and he had this to say about the power cables:

"I will run a 1/0 to the mono amp and a 4awg to the other. this system will not drain much power at all". Seems good to me!

Check out these bad-boys...

Oi loikes a nice bit of girth...


And he had this to say about 'super-caps':

"We never use power caps Marco they have a negative effect on the system as they drain more power then they put back in. if we have a problem with lights dimming a better battery is the way forward like xs power batteries, this is the correct way".

Fair enough. He's the man!

Loved this comment, on the above BladeIce website, from Mark v:

Quote Originally Posted by Mark v (verified owner) – October 31, 2014
By far the best upgrade i have ever made in my long interest in car audio.. My system was held back by this fundamental failure on my part not using pure copper cables.. Get it all. Lugs, speaker cable and give your system a steroid boost to a completely new level…i will be back for more
Oh yes, baby...
