Sounds good to me …
Proper dual mono ( 2 x power cables )
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Is that the only heatsinking on the output transistors, I bet they get toasty!
Never seen anti vibration measures applied to those type of heatsinks before.
What is the output power, do you know?
I love Hendrix for so many reasons. He was so much more than just a blues guitarist - he played damn well any kind of guitar he wanted. In fact I'm not sure if he even played the guitar - he played music. - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Seen your post on DIYaudio. Someone there might have some info. RA's mantra is rubbish in rubbish out, hence the mains conditioners he pushes and lookingat the innards with all those caps it should be a smooooth as butter.
Buy Bose...And get your parking validated!.
No Highs...No Lows....It Must Be Bose!
I’ve currently got it hooked up to my imf super compacts and does sound rather good .
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I’ve now got this in the main system and hooked up to the IMF tls80 II’s , sounds fantastic.
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Goddamn right it's a beautiful day, uh-huh!
With all that special wire in it it should have a lovely Kimbre.....(did you see what I did there)
The caps are marked RATA from the early days when it was Russ Andrews Turntable Accessories.
Buy Bose...And get your parking validated!.
No Highs...No Lows....It Must Be Bose!
Oops !
Goddamn right it's a beautiful day, uh-huh!