Paul Hynes Audio Ltd Closure
The closure of Paul Hynes Audio Ltd is a sad day for both David Webb and myself but circumstances in life change and projects do not always go according to plan. David is no longer able to run PHA Ltd alongside his other commitments, so we decided that closure was the best path, as I cannot run PHA remotely from the Isle of South Uist. Please be assured all current orders and guarantees will be honoured.
I have to admit I was considering retirement this year, but my daughter has modified my viewpoint on this. She reminded me that even though running Paul Hynes Design has not been plain sailing for various reasons over the last few years, thousands of past customers have been very pleased with the performance of my designs, and it would disappoint many to know that they were no longer available for their next upgrade.
Now Paul Hynes Audio Ltd is closing there is only one alternative option and that is to re-locate production back here to the Isle of South Uist.
This has become viable again, as I now have help here on the Isle, so from now on I will be processing all orders for my designs here.
I am currently in the process of negotiating the acquisition of premises with enough space to allow employment of additional staff for administration and production. This will leave me free to oversee the project and keep much better control of business activity.
Over the next few years I will also be able to introduce the products I have designed over the last decade that I have been unable to prepare for production due to lack of available time.
The very popular and highly regarded SR3, SR5 and SR7 will still be available of course as they have a proven track record of very high performance for their cost. I look forward to helping you achieve greater enjoyment listening to your music by providing you with these power supplies.
We will offer continued support for all products we have supplied, this includes servicing and guarantee work. Please contact either of us at the following:
For all products purchased from Paul Hynes Audio Ltd contact Advanced Camera Services Ltd on 01953 883840 or by email at OR or you can contact me directly at
For all products purchased from Paul Hynes Design contact me at
David and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and custom.
Paul Hynes
Paul Hynes Design