It's quite easy really: Go to and choose from over 300 operating systems
or choose the one that is at the top of the list as it has been for over a year or two which is
linux mint

From there download the .iso image file burn that as a DVD , or you can install via USB
making the USB blank first and 2gb in size. Installation takes about 10- 15 minutes
for documents it provides Libre Office, internet Mozilla, and presently 73038 packages
which are downloadable software- all for free.

With no virus problems of any extent, I cannot recall one in over 7 years of use
you will have more time in your life for music and hifi

To learn about free software and Linux empowers you as an individual
to use this software where ever you see fit. The horribleness of proprietary
software and all of the problems all but vanishes. Up to you now...
