Quote Originally Posted by JazzBones View Post
Interesting John, which TS PSU did you make the comparison too... The original (silver), the HE or the Big fella T-O1psu? I have owned all three and the latter one is the one I choose to use = No over blown bass output there. It would really be helpful if when dismissing the TS PSU units that the actual model is mentioned so a more overall accurate picture can be arrived at if you please I have heard the earlier LD/MRCU psu unit, and as I have said somewhere else on here it was a contender for me but for me, with my high modication late model SL1210Mk2 and accompanying ancillaries the TS-01 psu was the one I invested heavy cash on with the view of satisfaction, confidence and long term ownership.


Ron, the TS PS was the original basic one. However I have not heard the HE or the T-01. I wasn't dismissing either TS PSU but in all honesty I have no wish to consider anything from that particular company.