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Thread: Bargains on ebay? (Part 2)

  1. #11041
    Join Date: Mar 2014

    Location: West Wales

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    I'm malcolm.


    Quote Originally Posted by Steph Dale View Post
    I'm really not sure what's going on here. Why are people bidding on this??!?


    I'm watching out of some perverse curiosity. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion...

    Some days bargains can be found at BHF on eBay, but this is not one of them, I can only assume that those bidding on this can see that this cartridge has a super transparent presentation.

    I have had some bargains from BHF, but be aware their packaging skills are abysmal.
    Audiophile Tosher

  2. #11042
    Join Date: Jan 2019

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    Yeah, ditto. I had an absolutely mint Thorens TD126 MkII delivered to me in sub-component form because they'd just put it in a loose box. And that despite me giving them packing instructions.

    I got a refund, despite their protestations.

    Sources: Phonosophie No.3 (TP90), Ortofon Winfield, Noteworthy Phonote; Thorens TD521s, SME 312s, Tubaphon Tu-2 blue, Audio Research Ph5; Electrocompaniet EMC-1 UP, Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
    Amplification: Pathos Logos Mk1.5
    Speakers: Ruark Equinox
    Cables: Chord Sarum (various types/ages)

    Portable: Astell+Kern SR35, Sennheiser Momentum 2

    In the works: Thorens TD124/ii, SME M2-12r; Technics SL-110, SME IV, Audio Technica AT33PTG/ii; Phonosophie No.2 (TP90), Audio Technica AT33Sa; etc...

  3. #11043
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    Why wouldn't they be bidding? Aren't they over a grand new? What am I missing?
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15.

  4. #11044
    Join Date: Mar 2014

    Location: West Wales

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    I'm malcolm.


    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    Why wouldn't they be bidding? Aren't they over a grand new? What am I missing?
    Coz they haven't looked closely at the pics...

    Which only show a box with a headshell sans cartridge
    Audiophile Tosher

  5. #11045
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    Quote Originally Posted by willbewill View Post
    Coz they haven't looked closely at the pics...

    Which only show a box with a headshell sans cartridge
    Oops that's a bit of a mistake. Good job eBay almost always sides with the buyer.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15.

  6. #11046
    Alex_UK's Avatar
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    Was going to try and contact BHF before the train crash but it’s too late, only 3 mins to go…

    Main System: Digital: HP Laptop/M2Tech Hiface/Logitech Media Server/FLAC; Marantz SA7001 KI Signature SACD Player and other digital stuff into Gatorised Beresford Caiman DAC Vinyl: Garrard 401/SME 3009 SII Improved/Sumiko HS/Nagaoka MP-30
    Amplifier: Rega Brio R. Speakers: Spendor SP1. Cables: Various, mainly Mark Grant.
    Please see "about me" for the rest of my cr@p! Gallery

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    There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing and be nothing Aristotle

  7. #11047
    Join Date: Jun 2014

    Location: Chorley Lancs

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    Built by a former Labour Prime Minster in his spare time, probably.

    I just dropped in, to see what condition my condition was in

    T/T: Inspire Monarch, X200 tonearm, Ortofon Quintet Blue. Phono: Project Tube Box CD: Marantz CD6006 (UK Edition); Amp: Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated.
    Speakers: Zu Omen Def, REL T9i subwoofer. Cables: Atlas Equator interconnects, Atlas Hyper 3.0 speaker cables

    T'other system:
    Echo Dot, Arcam A75 integrated, Celestion 5's, BK XLS-200 DF

    LG 55" OLED, Panasonic Blu Ray, Sony a/v amp, MA Radius speakers,


  8. #11048
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pigmy Pony View Post
    Built by a former Labour Prime Minster in his spare time, probably.

    Put that in your pipe.

    Interesting. If I'm reading it right, they're not Wilson but DIY and he's selling the cabs and just some of the drivers, and if you want everything he's selling it's £130 not £100.

    Still might be an interesting project but collection only from right out in the bushes.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15.

  9. #11049
    Join Date: Jun 2010

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    I'm givingyouaprettygoodclue.


    Lazy use of AI descriptions is enough to put me off a seller.

    Eg this description of Led Zep II makes it sound like Luis Oliveira ("Chihuahua!")


  10. #11050
    Join Date: Jun 2014

    Location: Chorley Lancs

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    I'm Steve.


    I don't know, who's ever listened to The Lemon Song and not wanted to do the cha-cha?
    I just dropped in, to see what condition my condition was in

    T/T: Inspire Monarch, X200 tonearm, Ortofon Quintet Blue. Phono: Project Tube Box CD: Marantz CD6006 (UK Edition); Amp: Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated.
    Speakers: Zu Omen Def, REL T9i subwoofer. Cables: Atlas Equator interconnects, Atlas Hyper 3.0 speaker cables

    T'other system:
    Echo Dot, Arcam A75 integrated, Celestion 5's, BK XLS-200 DF

    LG 55" OLED, Panasonic Blu Ray, Sony a/v amp, MA Radius speakers,


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