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Thread: Spinning Today - What Are You Listening To Right Now? (Part 3)

  1. #32771
    Join Date: Nov 2011

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    I'm sorted.


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  2. #32772
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    I'm Steve.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dom66 View Post
    Mummy was an asteroid, daddy was a non stick kitchen utensil. They just don't write them like that any more...
    Add water... Makes It's own sauce! + Don't Do Rap.. Don't do Urrban.. Don't do Modern R&B and Don't Do Radio 1 cos it's all fecking SHITE

  3. #32773
    Join Date: Jun 2014

    Location: Chorley Lancs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pierre De Grenoble View Post
    Mummy was an asteroid, daddy was a non stick kitchen utensil. They just don't write them like that any more...
    I blame the drugs... just not as good as they used to be
    I just dropped in, to see what condition my condition was in

    T/T: Inspire Monarch, X200 tonearm, Ortofon Quintet Blue. Phono: Project Tube Box CD: Marantz CD6006 (UK Edition); Amp: Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated.
    Speakers: Zu Omen Def, REL T9i subwoofer. Cables: Atlas Equator interconnects, Atlas Hyper 3.0 speaker cables

    T'other system:
    Echo Dot, Arcam A75 integrated, Celestion 5's, BK XLS-200 DF

    LG 55" OLED, Panasonic Blu Ray, Sony a/v amp, MA Radius speakers,


  4. #32774
    Join Date: Jun 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex_UK View Post
    This will be 40 years old in July!

    Doesn't sound it... A classic!
    This one has piqued my interest, I think I would really like it. But no way am I paying 20 quid for a used CD (or a new one for that matter), so I'll just watch and wait...
    I just dropped in, to see what condition my condition was in

    T/T: Inspire Monarch, X200 tonearm, Ortofon Quintet Blue. Phono: Project Tube Box CD: Marantz CD6006 (UK Edition); Amp: Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated.
    Speakers: Zu Omen Def, REL T9i subwoofer. Cables: Atlas Equator interconnects, Atlas Hyper 3.0 speaker cables

    T'other system:
    Echo Dot, Arcam A75 integrated, Celestion 5's, BK XLS-200 DF

    LG 55" OLED, Panasonic Blu Ray, Sony a/v amp, MA Radius speakers,


  5. #32775
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pigmy Pony View Post
    This one has piqued my interest, I think I would really like it. But no way am I paying 20 quid for a used CD (or a new one for that matter), so I'll just watch and wait...
    I had no idea it was "rare" but you are correct, no Music Magpie goodness for this one!

    Main System: Digital: HP Laptop/M2Tech Hiface/Logitech Media Server/FLAC; Marantz SA7001 KI Signature SACD Player and other digital stuff into Gatorised Beresford Caiman DAC Vinyl: Garrard 401/SME 3009 SII Improved/Sumiko HS/Nagaoka MP-30
    Amplifier: Rega Brio R. Speakers: Spendor SP1. Cables: Various, mainly Mark Grant.
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  6. #32776
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex_UK View Post
    Interestingly, after a 30 year hiatus, Propaganda released a new album late last year I have discovered - the self-titled Propaganda:

    Propaganda - Propaganda (2024)

    And after a couple of listens, whilst it is not “A Secret Wish Pt.2” it’s rather lovely in my opinion, with special mention to the new vocalist Thunder Bae, who has had a few EPs but is a new one to me.

    It looks like it is available on (double) vinyl and CD, as well as Tidal and Spotify, and I would definitely recommend giving it a listen.
    Got to say I was never keen on them, or Kraftwerk. There's something very bleak about German music. I suppose that's part of the appeal for some but I was never into all that dark 'world is doomed' stuff when I was a teenager either.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15.

  7. #32777
    Join Date: Oct 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    Got to say I was never keen on them, or Kraftwerk. There's something very bleak about German music. I suppose that's part of the appeal for some but I was never into all that dark 'world is doomed' stuff when I was a teenager either.
    Been going to the wrong Gigs my man…

    Hardwired 10kVA balanced mains powering entire system
    Meridian 557 power Amp (Modded) / PS Audio BHK Preamp (Modded)
    Wharfedale Evo 4.4 (Modded)
    PS Audio Directstream (Modded)
    Pro-Ject X8 balanced output via XLR / Ortofon Quintet Blue cartridge (not Modded
    Pro-Ject DS3 B balanced Input (TT and Phonostage powered by Pro-Ject Power box RS2 linear psu)
    CD PLAYBACK - Shanling ET3 CD Transport over i2s to Dac
    STREAMING - ROON - Tweaked Roon ROCK based Roon Server - Airplay’d to Shanling ET3 as Roon endpoint
    MOVIES ‘n TV - AppleTV into heavily modded Oppo 203 hdmi input. Audio into Dac via custom i2s output board

    Apple Music/ YouTube via AppleTV, fed to Shanling via Airplay 1 (losslessly) and onwards to Dac via Wireworld Silver Electra 7 i2s HDMI cable
    Biwired: Biwire from Meridian 557 amp to speakers - Duelund DCA10GA on both bass and treble runs
    All Balanced: Ghost+ recording studio XLR cables

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