i quite like a lot of topping. i might have thouroughly enjoyed those..
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i quite like a lot of topping. i might have thouroughly enjoyed those..
Thanks Marco, and yes, we’re in agreement, there’s too much topping however in defence it was stuff that was in the fridge and needed used up and it was our main meal of the day rather than a light bite. My wife is a believer in more is more when it comes to food. Also my 17yr old son eats pizza like a herd of wildebeest eat grass so none was wasted!
Sure, as I said it comes down to personal taste, but if you want to make an authentic Italian pizza, then it's really all about the base (thin and crispy, preferably made from scratch and cooked in a wood-fired oven), then a *little* cheese (MUST be mozzarella), and a decent but not OTT coverage of fresh, good quality toppings.
But if that's not the goal, then do what you like and enjoy!:D
i like a lot of nice rich, slightly spicy tomato sauce topping on first, as it helps with moisture and keeps topping in place.. no mushrooms tho. sweet pepper is good too. chicken and sweet pepper/onion is a good un. quite like a nice hawaiian too:ner: not very italian i know, but hey ho.. having fewer teeth than god gave me a softer base too nowadays:D