Number 1 - Way too bling, unless you do actually live in 1860.
Number 2 - Too rustic
Number 3 - Spot on!
Then again, we have a hot tub in the garden, so maybe my sense of taste is a bit skewed...
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Haha... Hot-tubs are cool, and a damn sight more practical in the UK than swimming pools!:eyebrows:
Anyway, as an established man of refinement and taste, I knew you'd agree with my final choice;)
It's certainly what I'd have in my own house.
No bloody good without nosh....are they....Here's a proper table...with food on it...table for two...sir?
Haha... Quality! How do reach the middle, though?:hmm:
Aye, that'll be it!:D
Dismantle the table inwards through the courses maybe
Looking at the types of food, laid out on each 'layer', I'd suggest that the starting point was in the centre, and you'd work outwards from there...
Would love to be at a banquet like that, though!
Yesterday chicken korma and veg with rice
Today a gigantic fry up.. something i found in freezer. Did my best to scoff it but was too much
Square Lorne sausage... Yum, yum! That's something I miss from the 'old country', along with morning rolls. Down here, it's bloody links, which in terms of sausage, simply doesn't compare!:nono:
Only thing is, where's the broon sauce?:D